The Lower Salt River, below Saguaro Lake's Stewart Mountain Dam, has the distinction of being the only cold-water trout fishery in the nation located in a desert, according to the ARizona Game and Fish Department. Add the fact that the waterway, once considered little more than a tuber's paradise, is so close to metropolitan Phoenix, and it's little wonder its reputation is growing quickly.
"This is truly a remarkable fishery," said Arizona Game and Fish Department Information Officer Rory Aikens. "I run across people who fish for trout before going to work in the morning or after getting off work in the evening."
The Lower Salt River is located along Bush Highway between Usery Pass on the south and Sate Route 87 (Beeline Highway) on the north. Take U.S. Route 60 east from mesa and exit on Bush Highway. Travel north for 6 or 7 miles to Granite Reef Dam.
The lower Salt river is stocked every winter with catchable-sized rainbow trout. Expect Phon D. Sutton and Granite Reef areas to be stoked in the winter and Blue Point and Water Users areas to get trout in the summer. -G.J. Sagi, from the essential travel handbook Fishing Arizona
The Lower Salt River has plenty of different types of fish to shake a stick at. Large and smallmouth bass, carp, tilapia, crappie, yellow bass, catfish and Walleye!
- Tom
Lower Salt River
Rivers of Arizona item created by HookedAZ, Oct 15, 2016
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