
Lake Reports and Updates

This forum is for any fishing reports, lake and river updates, and Q&A. Please tag the body of water and fish species in your post.

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  1. John Knelange

    Town Lake Largemouth

    Town Lake Largemouth Largemouths are hitting great at Tempe Town Lake. Been hitting it morning and night - lots of 2+ pounders, a few good 3+ pounders and the occasional 4/5.
    Town Lake Largemouth Largemouths are hitting great at Tempe Town Lake. Been hitting it morning and night - lots of 2+ pounders, a few good 3+ pounders and the occasional 4/5.
    Town Lake Largemouth Largemouths are hitting great at Tempe Town Lake. Been hitting it morning and night - lots of 2+ pounders, a few good 3+ pounders and the occasional 4/5.
    Town Lake Largemouth Largemouths are hitting great at Tempe Town Lake. Been hitting it morning and night - lots of 2+ pounders, a few good 3+ pounders and the occasional 4/5.

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