Fishing is excellent. Becker Lake is open to catch-and-release only for trout, artificial fly and lure only; single barbless hooks only. No bait. No trout may be kept. Many large, thick rainbow trout are being caught nymph fishing under a strike indicator at 8-10 feet. Tiger trout are also being caught. More tiger trout will be stocked this week. To apply for the state record or fish of the year, a picture of the fish must be taken on a reliable ruler. See pg. 42 of our regulations for more details! Our Becker Lake hosts are back, be sure to ask them what is biting and welcome them back! Remember, Becker Lake is a windy lake—maybe not the best this week!
Fishing is fair. Becker Lake is open to catch-and-release only for trout, artificial fly and lure only; single barbless hooks only. No bait. No trout may be kept.