Eagle Creek, located south and west of Hannagan Meadow, runs a total length of 48 miles, though the Arizona Game and Fish Department lists only a total of four miles as actually fishable. It varies in elevation from 5,450 feet to 3,250.
To get to the remote fishery, take U.S. Route 191 north out of Clifton toward Hannagan Meadow and the White Mountains, After Pinal Point Campground, begin watching on the left side of the road for Forest Service Road 217, which is dirt, just about all the way to the end, and you'll find Honeymoon Campground, Just before the campsites, you'll also pass the spot where the Arizona Game and Fish Department stocks rainbow trout once a year (usually in late April though it always best to check ahead by visiting www.azgfd.com or calling (602) 789 3701).
The total trip on dirt is slightly more than 20 miles. Though it's a relatively well-maintained road, during rainy season or early in the spring a high-clearance or four-wheel-drive vehicle is a good idea. If you're lucky you'll be the only on in there.
Species you'll find include rainbow and brown trout, which occur naturally. You probably won't come home with a trophy, but you will enjoy one of Arizona's truly pristine areas. Anglers interested in visiting the area should also bear in mind stocking can be cancelled for a variety of reasons and that this creek, as is true of most in Arizona, can fall victim to drought. -G.J Sagi, from the travel handbook Fishing Arizona
Part of Eagle Creek if you view the map below you will see runs partly through the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation. If you plan on fishing there or camping you will need a San Carlos Permit which you can only pick up in the Town of San Carlos located far south near San Carlos Lake. If you do decide to get a permit for San Carlos you can view a list of the vendors that sell them on the San Carlos Tribe web site. - Tom

Eagle Creek
Lakes of Arizona item created by HookedAZ, Oct 12, 2016
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