If you like to fish for trout Ash Creek has five fishable miles, and you’ll be interested to know that pools in the middle reaches of Ash Creek hold populations of native Apache trout. Ash Creek is not a large stream, so the fish are small, but they’re wild and feisty nevertheless. If you come with that in mind, you’ll enjoy the fact that they are quite a challenge to catch.
Since this prominent drainage has long been used as a major travel route up the mountain, it has also accumulated a number of historic relics. Along the trail are remains of an old sawmill and a logging flume, as well as boilers for steam engines used by loggers. These rusty artifacts serve as evidence that this area was used for timber harvest before modern transportation methods made it cheaper to haul lumber from areas where it could be harvested more economically."
Ash Creek
Lakes of Arizona item created by HookedAZ, Oct 13, 2016
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