Wet Beaver Creek is located in the town of Beaver Creek just outside Camp Verde. The creek is sometimes just called Beaver Creek, but there is Dry and Wet Beaver Creeks. Wet Beaver Creek is the one that has water and fish. Both drain into the Verde River. At the elevation you can expect to catch bass and a variety of sucker fish along with Flat and Channel Catfish (Catfish and Bass are unlimited possession limits on both the Dry and Wet Beavers). The Game and Fish Department do stock Wet Beaver Creek, depending on the time of year it will be bass or trout.
This clear, cool brook remains pleasantly secluded in the deep red rock canyon it has cut into the southern rim of the Colorado Plateau. For much of its length, the land bordering Wet Beaver Creek has been declared a wilderness area. In addition to the opportunities for solitude such an area offers, the stream's pools and riffles are a popular place to fish, hike, swim, and birdwatch.The waters of the stream are stocked with trout. The lush riparian area beside its banks is alive with a full palette of songbirds. The desert beyond that oasis bristles with the highly adapted plants of the upper Sonoran Desert.
Beaver Creek - Wet Beaver - Dry Beaver
Lakes of Arizona item created by HookedAZ, Oct 6, 2016
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