Black Canyon Lake covers 78 surface acres along the Mogollon Rim. At an elevation of 7,100 feet above sea level, it features comfortable summer time temperatures and is managed as one of the states's coldwater fisheries.
Expect to catch brook, rainbow and brown trout at Black Canyon Lake. Most of the fish remain active throughout the summer, as the lake has an averaged depth of 40 feet. Fingerling and catchable-sized rainbow trout were stocked on November 19, 2002, after water sampling determined the summer's fires had not negatively impacted the waterway. -G.J Sagi, from the travel handbook Fishing Arizona
I visited this lake on May 21 2010. My buddy and I caught 4 between 6-8 inch rainbow trout within the first ten minutes on the lake trolling at medium speeds with Silver Fox Spinners and a Mepps Spinner around the island and near the dam in deep water. The wind picked up and we tried some Rainbow Power Bait mixed in with some Marshmallows and some salmon eggs next to the dam. We didn't have any luck there bait fishing, maybe I should have tried worms I guess spinners are the way to go at Black Canyon because they worked for use and I saw some old timers with spinners set up on three poles in there boat. I tried Castmaster spoons of gold and silver, small Z-Rays, and Bronze Super-Dupers, only the spinners worked. This lake has bass and catfish as well but I was looking for the browns and didn't give the bass a chance.
You will see the results of the 2002 Rodeo-Chediski Fire on the way to the lake. This pic was taken in 2010.

Black Canyon Lake
Lakes of Arizona item created by HookedAZ, Oct 10, 2016
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