Clear Creek West is not close to Clear Creek Reservoir its about an hour and a half away near Camp Verde. This section of Clear Creek has most of the same fish; rainbow trout brown trout and small mouth bass. On the U.S. Forest Service site it say "The deep, rocky canyon cut by West Clear Creek, as it slices its way free of the Mogollon rim, is home to one of the most unique Wilderness Areas in the Southwest. This gorge is so narrow that in places the stream fills it from wall to wall. To descend one has to swim or wade, not once but as many as 15 or 20 times. Lower reaches of the canyon are more accessible and provide excellent places for secluded recreation such as swimming, hiking, trout fishing, and wildlife watching. In addition to the many colorful birds in this area, it is home to some interesting larger creatures such as black bear, javelina, and mountain lion."

Clear Creek West
Lakes of Arizona item created by HookedAZ, Oct 12, 2016
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