Concho Lake, in the White Mountains, was created in the early 1880s by the Concho Irrigation Company when it built a dam near Concho Springs. In 1956 the Arizona Game and Fish Department took over management of the lake, quickly poisoning out the "rough fish" that were residing in the water-way. It was then stocked with rainbow trout. In 1977, brook trout were added to the lake and cutthroat in 1980. In 2000, a survey by the department determined that over the year, anglers caught 0.48 fish per hour, 99 percent of which were rainbow trout (average length of fish kept was 12 inches). -G.J. Sagi, from the essential travel handbook Fishing Arizona
To try your luck at trout, float a night crawler a couple of feet from the bottom or suspend it under a bobber. Also try trolling flies or small lures from a boat. - Arizona Game and Fish

Concho Lake
Lakes of Arizona item created by HookedAZ, Oct 10, 2016
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