The Coronado National Forest covers 1,780,000 acres of southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. Elevations range from 3000 feet to 10,720 feet in twelve widely scattered mountain ranges or "sky islands" that rise dramatically from the desert floor, supporting plant communities as biologically diverse as those encountered on a trip from Mexico to Canada. - Coronado National Forest. Here is a map of the Coronado Forest from there web site in detail.
Lakes on the Coronado Forest
Rivers, Streams and Creeks on the Coronado Forest
- Arivaca Lake Arizona
- Frye Mesa Reservoir Arizona
- Parker Canyon Lake Arizona
- Pena Blanca Lake Arizona
- Riggs Flat Lake Arizona
- Rose Canyon Lake Arizona
Here is a printable pdf for more information about the resources of the Coronado National Forest or visit the Coronado National Forest web site.
- Grant Creek
- Ash Creek Arizona
- Big Creek
- Marijilda Creek
- Sabino Creek
- Lemmon Creek

Coronado National Forest Fishing
National Forest Waters item created by HookedAZ, Nov 2, 2016
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