At 138 surface acres, Crescent Lake shouldn't be overshadowed by any body of water, but it's nearest neighbor, Big Lake, does exactly that. Crescent Lake offers shore fishermen a total of 4.5 miles of shoreline to work.
This impoundment is home to rainbow and brook trout. Annually it will receive around three rainbow trout stockings, the first in early May and the last in late June. This lake is something special, and I've enjoyed every day I've spent here. -G.J Sagi, from the travel handbook Fishing Arizona
Bait and shore fishermen can try night crawlers and Power Bait. Rocky points on the west side are good for shore anglers when the lake is weedy. Boat anglers consistently do better at Crescent than shore fishermen. Boaters can try trolling with flies, such as wooly buggers, prince nymphs or peacock ladies, or use spinners like Panther Martins, small Mepps or Rooster Tails. - Arizona Game and Fish

Crescent Lake
Lakes of Arizona item created by HookedAZ, Oct 10, 2016
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