Soldier Lake is one of 4 lakes in the Soldier Lake Complex. The other three are Long Lake, Soldier Annex and Tremain Lake. The road to Soldier Lake can be see just before you reach Long Lake. Tremain Lake Drys up frequently.
If the fish aren't biting in one of these lakes, you can always try another. Not only will you be helping your chances by changing location, but each of these bodies of water is known for producing a different species of fish. The three shallow lakes in this group serve forest visitors as places to set up a primitive camp and go fishing. Soldier's Lake provides good fishing for bass and catfish. Soldier's Annex Lake is better known for its catfish, although blue gill can also be caught here. Soldier Lake is the only one of the three that is stocked with trout but is also good for walleye and catfish. Many forest visitors come here to set up primitive camps and enjoy other forest activities besides fishing, such as off highway vehicle riding and wildlife watching. The lakes are located in an area of open grasslands dotted with pinyon and juniper trees. -Coconino National Forest
Soldier Lake
Lakes of Arizona item created by HookedAZ, Oct 11, 2016
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