Steele Indian School Lake is an urban lake at Steele Indian School Park in central Phoenix, It's open from 6:00 to 11:00 PM. You can catch Rainbow Trout, Largemouth, Sunfish, White Amur and Channel Catfish at Steele Indian School Lake. They have picnic tables, ramadas, a dog park, playground and all the other amenities you would find at a city park. The fish are safe to eat. The Arizona Game and Fish department say that 80% of the fish are stocked and usually caught within 30 days, making them basically fresh from the farm. The green water is a sign that the lake is healthy. is currently looking for authors who would like to write a summary about Steele Indian School Lake. See the link "Become an Author".
Steel Indian School Park Lake
Lakes of Arizona item created by HookedAZ, Oct 11, 2016
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