Arizona Lakes currently stocked with tiger trout in Arizona include Becker Lake, Carnero Lake, Woods Canyon Lake, Willow Springs Lake)
More tiger trout eggs will be received this summer to be raised for stockings in May and June of 2017.
Tiger Trout, a hybrid cross between a male Brown Trout and a female Brook Trout, has a unique, dark maze-like pattern all over a brownish, gray body. The belly is yellowish orange as are the pectoral, pelvic and anal fins. The tail fin is square.
Tiger trout are quite piscivorous (fish eaters) from an early age. They seem to be more willing to hunt for prey in shallower waters than many other trout subspecies are.
Tigers are also supposed to be more resistant to diseases such as whirling disease, which makes them a good choice for stocking in waters that are known to be infested with whirling disease.
Tiger trout are rapidly becoming one of the most popular trout species in Utah and Arizona. This is most likely in part due to their brilliant, beautifully colored skin and hard fighting abilities.

Tiger Trout
Fish Species item created by HookedAZ, Oct 14, 2016
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