You will need to fill out this fishing application to fish this lake. Call (928)871-6450 or 6451 or 6452 if you have any questions.
It says on the Navajo Fish and Wildlife web site that "Fishing Good - Stocked 5,128 RBT 3/31/10 ;"- Tom
This lake is located in the heart of the Navajo Indian Nation, and if you haven't tried fishing on the reservation, it's time to make a trip. Wheatfields may be a little out of your way, but it's well worth it.
To get to Wheatfields Lake, take I-40 toward the New Mexico border. Just a few miles before you cross into New Mexico, take Indian Route 12 north through Window Rock and Fort Defiance. After about 40 miles, you will come to the impoundment.
Wheatfield is managed strictly as a cold-water fishery. Species you can expect tugging on the line include rainbow and cutthroat trout. -G.J. Sagi, from the essential travel handbook Fishing Arizona

Wheatfield Lake
Lakes of Arizona item created by HookedAZ, Oct 11, 2016
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