Hello. Has anyone been to Lee Valley Reservoir yet for 2018? What are conditions there? It was supposedly stocked in April with trout. Did it...
Hello. I am looking for recommendations for trout fishing in Arizona for Summer 2018. Recommendations based on recent experiences are especially...
Hello I've been an Arizona resident my whole life - 27 years. I have also never been fishing and would like to start fishing. I live in Tucson...
More pushing of the trout. Similar thread here about why so much effort is going into Trout vs any other species of fishing in AZ lakes and...
This is a community fishing water in St. John’s. A regular fishing license or a community fishing license is required to fish here. Channel...
Maybe I'm the only one that thinks this but it seems like the game and fish department is pushing trout fishing too much. Was just reading this...
The Mogollon Rim is a 200 mile uplift of about 1000 feet that spans the majority of Arizona. As far as fishing goes, when people refer to 'rim...
Arizona’s Trout Challenge Program was developed to encourage anglers to learn more about fishing opportunities in the state. Arizona Game and Fish...
The local Tonto Fish Hatchery operated by the AZGFD has done an excellent job in making this stream even better fishing than it has been in past...
Trout Fishing Gear The first thing to consider with any fishing trip is getting the gear you'll need. Now in this case, the gear will depend on...
Path of the Colorado River The Colorado River path runs from the snow melt of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado all the way to the gulf of...
Antelope Lake is a small Lake or maybe you would call it a pond in northeastern Arizona. It's owned by the Navajo Tribe. This lake is not...
Watson Lake is by far one of the most scenic lakes in Prescott. Half of the lake is surrounded by huge boulders from the Granite Dells Mountains...
Seneca Lake is off the 60/77 halfway between Globe and Show Low. The lake is treated as a warm and cold water fishery. It offers largemouth bass,...
Blue Ridge Reservoir, aka C.C. Cragin, is one of the best lakes in Arizona to catch monster trout when there biting. The best part about Blue...
Wood Canyon Lake is a small lake just east of Payson that can have good trout fishing. If your looking for a day trip with the family, Woods...
Growing up, my mom took me fishing recreationally. She taught me how to put a hook on the line, how to bait it, and the basic tricks to get the...
The Apache is one of Arizona’s two native trout species and is the Arizona state fish. Found only in White Mountain lakes and streams on forest...
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