
Bowfishing tournament Roosevelt Lake April 14 and 15

Discussion in 'Arizona Fishing Tournaments' started by HookedAZ, Oct 14, 2016.

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  1. HookedAZ

    HookedAZ Administrator Staff Member

    Hey guys im putting on a bowfishing tournament AT Roosevelt Lake april 14 And 15

    100% payback we will pay out 1 in 5 entrys Entry is $180.00 per team

    It will be a big 12 format bring. your biggest 6 fish in each day (3 buffalo max per day)

    We will also pay out for the biggest common carp and biggest buffalo carp of the tournament. Sign up will be from 630am to 800am sat morning at the main marina parking lot instructions will be given and go from there.

    Weigh in will be at 400 sat and 300 on sunday. We are also strongly encouraging everybody to donate to the memoral tournament and join their big fish shoot also!!!!!! Hope to see you all there it should be a good one

    If you have any questions you can contact me Dominick Argenziano

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